Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Chapter 6 - Our Hope For The Future

Mr. Mitchell's notes:

- nothing more compelling than a great story...hint, hint (coming soon)

- ESPN on earth - the score give on the Gainsville State and Faith Christian along with the story.
- ESPN in heaven - the story about how Faith Christian was "Jesus", no score needed

Question for the staff: what is the most important thing you will take from reading this book?

BEST CHAPTER: Chapter 5 - An Investment That Keep On Giving

Mr. Mitchell's Chapter 5 notes: 

Probably the most important point I try to drive across to anyone who is a donor to FMCS - "thank you for your investment into our children!"

This chapters starts to focus on a key area right now - finances! It used to be that when people asked for help, they needed a certain amount to help cover what they could not pay. Now it is getting to the point that they want it all - a full ride - and we do not do that.

However, and I mean HOWEVER: I totally agree with the last sentence of the second paragraph on page 54! 

If you have never read it, please read Jenna Billman's testimony on our website: http://fmcs-fl.org/category/praise/

pg. 55-57 - wow, no cell phones!

Pg. 57-59, question to ask: great! As well as ROI

Out of this chapter, weren't he stories powerful? Coming soon "Tell Ma A Story..."

Affluenza - food one!

Stewardship = Surrender!

Page 63 is excellent!

It's your turn:

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Chapter 4: The Human Touch

Well, I would think that the teacher that has sent over 33,000 personalized birthday letters has to be an amazing highlight. I wonder if that is what stands out the most to his students - the letter and the personal attention they received over knowledge?

I think this chapter focuses on something that needs to be a selling point for our school - personalized attention from teachers. The statement on page 46 starts our conversation - "(teachers) are living curriculum, and the Scriptures teach us that when students are fully taught, they will be like their teachers." So I wonder, how are your students like you? what do you think they "copy" from you or remember about you?